Timothy J Kelley

Timothy J Kelley’s ministry began with humble beginnings, but it quickly gained momentum and expanded its influence across the region. Kelley, a charismatic and captivating speaker, attracted a growing number of followers who were drawn to his powerful sermons and his ability to connect with people on a deep, emotional level. Kelley’s early success was […]

John Farrand

In a profound act of courage, a group of brave individuals have come forward to share their harrowing experiences of abuse at the hands of John Farrand, a trusted priest within the community. These victims’ testimonies have shed light on the pervasive and systematic nature of Farrand’s predatory behavior. The victims’ accounts paint a disturbing […]

Father John Feit

In the small town of McAllen, Texas, the tragic story of Irene Garza unfolded in 1960. Irene, a young and vibrant schoolteacher, disappeared after attending a Holy Saturday confession at her local Catholic church. Her lifeless body was later discovered in a canal, leaving the community in shock and the case shrouded in mystery. The […]

Father Jack Baker

Father Jack Baker was a respected and well-liked priest in the local community, known for his charismatic sermons and dedication to his parishioners. He had earned the trust and admiration of his congregation, who saw him as a beacon of faith and moral guidance. Behind the facade of a devoted shepherd, a dark secret was […]