Catholic Church Hush Money
Hush money has been used by the Catholic Church as a means to silence abuse survivors and prevent their stories from becoming public knowledge. By offering financial settlements in exchange for confidentiality, the Church effectively buys the silence of survivors, allowing it to maintain a facade of innocence and protect its reputation. This practice has […]
Catholic Priest Scandal
The Catholic priest scandal is a topic that has garnered significant attention and controversy in recent years. The revelations of widespread abuse and cover-up within the Catholic Church have shaken the faith of many believers and raised important questions about the institution’s integrity. To understand the gravity of the priest scandal, we must examine the […]
Huffman Wallace and Monagle Files Motion To Enforce Arechidocese Of Santa Fe Transparency Covenants
A survivor of clergy sexual abuse perpetrated by an Archdiocese of Santa Fe priest named Father Richard Spellman has filed a motion to force the Archdiocese of Santa Fe to fulfill a promise made to survivors as a condition of its exit from bankruptcy proceedings. As a condition of its exit from bankruptcy proceedings in […]